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How To Drive a Golf Ball

Is it still a bit chilly outside where you live? If so, just be patient because warmer weather is on the way.

That means it will soon be time to grab your golf clubs and head to your local driving range to get your swing in good shape.

One of the keys to improving your golf game is understanding how to drive a golf ball. You need to learn the fundamentals and practice as much as possible. Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place of help.

This article takes a look at important driving tips that will take your game to the next level. Keep reading to get the inside scoop.

Setting Up Your Golf Tee

First things first. Before we start getting into the mechanics of your swing, it’s important to take a moment to discuss the golf tee.

After all, the placement of the tee will have a huge impact on the flight of the ball once it’s been struck by the clubhead.

The specific placement of the tee is based on a few things, including the distance, you want to hit the ball, the type of stance you’re using, the amount of loft you want to achieve, and the type of club you’re using.

In other words, the variety of factors that are going into your swing will dictate the way you position the tee in the ground.

Perfecting Your Grip

Next, let’s talk about your grip. Because the wrong grip will lead to disaster.

What does a proper grip look like? Great question.

If you’re right-handed, take the club in your left hand with your thumb positioned forward on the shaft. Now place your right hand above the left hand so that the thumb of the left fits snuggly in the V of the right hand.

The key is to make sure your grip is nice and snug without being too tight.

Perfecting Your Stance

In the ideal golf stance, you should stand facing the ball while lining the ball up with your forward leg. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart so that your weight is evenly distributed between your legs.

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Perfecting Your Swing

It’s important to remember that the quality of your swing will largely be determined by the combination of the other criteria list above.

Once the other details are in place, keep your head down as you bring the club smoothly back, shifting your weight to your back leg. Keep your head down and eyes on the ball before bringing the club back around to make contact with the ball.

Keep in mind that achieving the perfect swing takes practice. And the more disciplined you are about practicing your swing, the more comfortable you will be with the club.

A Golfer’s Guide On How to Get Maximum Distance When You Drive a Golf Ball

Improving your golf game requires discipline and practice. Fortunately, these tips for driving a golf ball will help you get started.

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