If you are an athlete then you must have heard of people asking you to give it a ‘rest’. In fact, athletes recommend rest as it is important due to a variety of reasons that we will discuss below:
It Ensures Good Performance
Rest is important to ensure good performance. Humans are no different from machines. Just like machines, when we work for too long, our bodies get tired and, as a result, we can’t give our best.
There is a direct link between resting and improved performance. The human body cannot go beyond a point and it eventually starts to break down or feel tired resulting in reduced productivity. When you give it rest, it rejuvenates and allows you to put your best foot forward.
This applies to all kinds of athletes, including fitness trainers, swimmers, wrestlers, runners, and basketball players. It doesn’t matter how good your stamina is, you will feel tired after a point, and if you don’t give yourself some rest, your performance will begin to suffer.
This is why experts rest before a big event. Imagine not having enough sleep before your big day or waking up feeling exhausted, you will not be at your best causing your performance to suffer. Athletes need rest so that they can use all their energy to hit the bull’s eye.
Rest Is Important for Muscles Growth
Let’s now talk from the perspective of muscle building. Individuals who go to the gym to gain weight and build muscles need to rest as it is important to build muscles.
Exercise results in microscopic tears in muscle tissues that only repair when you rest. If you do not give your body rest, the tissue will not repair, resulting in long workout sessions going to waste.
If you go to a fitness trainer, they will ask you to wait after every set so that your body is ready to grow. After all, breaking down muscles without giving your body a chance to rebuild itself will result in a body that cannot repair itself.
It’s Good For Your Sleep
This is a controversial topic because some reports suggest that athletes enjoy greater sleep, whereas some reports, such as The Sleep and Recovery Practices of Athletes suggest that 50–80 percent of athletes experience sleep disturbance. The problem is said to be common among people who do not take rest during training and exert too much pressure on the body.
Again, the opinion is divided because some people say that the more tired you are, the better you will sleep. However, this is a grey area because if you do not take rest when needed, your body may go into a different mode and decline to ‘sleep’.
As an athlete, your body is constantly undergoing physical and mental stress. It is believed that athletes often struggle to sleep because they are worried about their performance and how they’d perform in a competition.
Reduces the Risk of Injuries
Athletes face a variety of injuries such as swimmer’s shoulder, ankle injuries, back problems, etc. A large number of these injuries are linked to overexertion or not giving enough rest to the body.
Athletes have to use the same muscles over and over again, typically in the same manner. This puts pressure on the muscles resulting in inflammation, muscle damage, and other such issues. The condition can worsen in no time and cause long-term damage.
Hence, they take rest very often and it is even important. Most athletes plan their day accordingly. They need to take short breaks every few minutes. Swimmers, for example, need to take a rest after a few laps. Runners need to give it a rest after completing a few miles. Similarly, basketball players take a rest after a few rounds.
What Does It Mean to Rest?
Now, the word rest can be confusing. It can of two types:
- Short breaks that you take between sessions
- Long breaks, such as a long day
Technically speaking, they are both necessary. Short breaks ensure you keep going and do not get injured. Whereas, long breaks work as a detox and provide you with the much-needed push to put your best foot forward.
Athletes get bored, injured, burnt out, and whatnot. Taking breaks can be good for their physical and mental well-being. If you search the web, you will find that athletes often took long breaks, such as:
- WWE performer Charlotte Flair is known for taking breaks every now and then
- Tiger Woods has been in the news for taking long breaks in 2018 and 2019
- Swimmers such as Brent Hayden, Michael Phelps, and Dara Torres have all retired or taken breaks only to come back
Even small-time athletes take breaks. If you are an athlete then make sure to include breaks in your routine. Also, use Trihard sports care products so you require fewer breaks. These high-quality products improve performance and help athletes go on longer.
How Much Rest Is Needed and When?
This question can be a little hard to answer as it depends on a variety of factors, including:
- Your physical condition
- Your mental condition
- The sport you are in
In simple words, you should take a break whenever your body asks you to. It will give you signs when it is time to stop, these include:
- Pain
- Sore muscles
- Fatigue
- Reduced performance
- Emotional changes
- Sleeping issues
This will ensure you don’t end up exerting more pressure than necessary. However, these signs may not necessarily indicate the need to take a break. They can be due to other reasons as well. If you are unclear then talk to your doctor and/or your trainer. They can tell you more about breaks, including when to take a break and their importance. Also Read – What Are the Different Types of Baseball Bats That Exist Today?
In conclusion, rest and recovery are just as important as training in an athlete’s regimen. Athletes need more rest than the average person because their bodies are constantly undergoing physical stress, and adequate rest and recovery are crucial for optimal performance. By incorporating rest and recovery strategies into their training regimen, athletes can improve their physical and mental well-being, reduce the risk of injury, and enhance their overall performance.
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